Back Row: Deputy Mayor Byrne Lammle, Mayor Ray Wildeman, Councillor Dennis Hazelton & CAO Ryan Leuzinger
Front Row: Councillor Marilyn Sept, Councillor Miriam Kirk
Council Meetings:
Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of every month, with the exception of July, August, December and statutory holidays. Regular Council Meeting dates are provided in the link below.
Members of the public are welcome to view Council proceedings. Council meetings are held in Council Chambers at the Town Office. Council Meetings begin at 5:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
If you have an item you would like to present to Council, please fill out our delegation form and ensure it is delivered to the Town Office, either in person or by email ( no later than 5 business days before the scheduled Council meeting.
"To provide a healthy environment for our residents, businesses and organizations."
Our vision statement describes the kind of community we intend to build. Its purpose is to guide our current and future direction and decision making.
"Foster a vibrant, strong, and collaborative community."
Our mission statement describes our purpose to help provide focus and direction in achieving our vision.
Council Links:
2023 - 2024 Council Appointment to Boards and Committees
2023 - 2024 Regular Council Dates